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My name Ty Andrews and I am a student athlete that trains with Coach. I am a baseball player at East Bay high school and was hoping Coach could help me improve agility and strength wise heading into my senior year. I have been training with Coach for almost two months now, and I’m already seeing major improvements on the field. Coach has been teaching me the techniques and basics to running, trying to get me to the speed I need to be able to reach the next level. They also taught me how valuable and impactful the utilization of my hips are as an athlete. Whenever I am taught something new I try to go home and master it, so that I can get used to the new movements. Lastly, he taught me the importance of stretching as an athlete. I am now getting in the habit of stretching ever night and ever morning. I already feel the difference. Coach has been a great mentor so far. I can’t wait to see what else they have in store for me in the next training sessions. Ever since the first session, I’ve been determined to get better progressively.

My daughter has been working out with Coach for a few months and absolutely raves about her sessions with him. He motivates her to work toward her goals and pushes her to be the best she can be both on and off the field. We have highly recommended his training services to many of our friends looking for extra training and all that have had the chance to work with him also have positive feedback. We feel like to have found them!

Rachel Semago

My name is Dan Drukteinis.  I am 51-years-old.  I had the pleasure of meeting Coach this year when I was looking to improve my sprinting for a new soccer league.  I used to be an avid soccer player, and one of the fastest players on the field in my local recreational leagues . . . 23 years ago.  I took up soccer again and found myself quite a bit slower, as I should have expected.  


It was a bit depressing seeing the edge I lost after all of these years, despite having worked out all of my life.  I felt determined to get back some of my speed so I could at least keep up in my new soccer league.  That is when I found Coach.


Having suffered injuries over the years, my first priority was to not injure myself in this new endeavor.  I wanted to train hard, but I was more concerned with training smart.  I am an emergency medicine physician, and a life-long athlete, so I am familiar with injuries that occur with over-zealous training.  


I am proud to say that my 40-yard dash times have improved, and I am finding myself slowly winning more 50:50 balls in my soccer games.  Perhaps even more important than my sprint time has been the endurance I have gained because of my training.  When other players are fatigued, I am still kicking and sprinting the length of the field, even with double-headers!  All of this without any injuries thus far.  


Thank you, Coach for all of your training, but also your restraint, so that I can continue to be a strong athlete without injuries.






Dainius A. Drukteinis, M.D., J.D., FACEP

Attending Emergency Medicine Physician, Tampa General Hospital

Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, University of South Florida

Forensic Medicine Consultant

We had the pleasure of working with Coach recently, and had the most wonderful experience! 


Coach worked with our daughter Lara, training her, with a focus on proper running form and fitness. She had so much fun during the process, that she often forgot she was in a class to learn new skills. Coach is kind, attentive, and goal-oriented. As a clear and confident communicator, Coach listened to our goals and created organized plans to follow through on training objectives that were previously discussed. His dedication came through in various occasions. One example was Coach’s progress tracking of our daughter. He put together comparison videos of her form and performance at the start of training and throughout check-in points, illustrating her measurable progress. Coach did that on his own time, outside of the session times. We were particularly impressed at his ability to motivate and inspire our daughter. He was very creative with techniques and activities to incorporate in their sessions to keep our daughter engaged. She never felt discouraged when presented with new challenges by Coach, and most importantly, always had a smile on her face! 





Our 11 year old son Riley has been working with Coach at Tampa Bay Sports Academy for about six months now and there was immediate chemistry in their working relationship.  As an avid hockey player since he was five, Riley has played on a travel hockey team for four seasons and we reached out to the Academy to add stamina, strength and endurance to his game on his off-ice days to keep him competitive amongst his teammates and peers.  With Coach's positive, approachable and motivating personality, Riley has not only acquired those things, but he’s added an additional support in his corner in the form of a mentor in other aspects of his life outside of sports as well. Coach is creative with how he structures their time to keep Riley engaged, he knows what exercises and areas to target specific to Riley’s goals, and they converse about a variety of topics of interest to them both to help our son as he navigates various things - such as upcoming games and tournaments, the pressures of tryout time and just outlook on life in general.  Riley is invigorated after each session and always eager for the next one.  We brought him in for fitness…but Riley’s received much more in return.  Thanks Coach!


Erin & Ethan L.

Coach has made me a stronger person.  He pushes me beyond my limits every day.  They not only cares about your strength, The care about what you do for sports, activities and fun stuff.  They made me a stronger person and I hope they makes you stronger as well.  
- Riley L.  11 years old 

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